Friday, August 21, 2009

Looking Back to Move Forward

This morning I was thinking of things I accomplished in the past couple days and decided to review my work. Have you ever done that? If you haven’t you should occasionally do that. It is often pleasing to see work you have accomplished, but sometimes it can be little disappointing. That is when you realize you have an opportunity to improve.

Yesterday, August 20th, I posted my first blog message. If you read it, you know it was referring to business, change and control. I think it was a thoughtful short piece of information to share. The objective was to stimulate your thinking. There was not much depth to it - that is by design. However upon reviewing what I wrote I realized you – “the reader,” might feel a little confused by my wording or leaving out a word in the final paragraph. Imagine that!

If you noticed the omission, boy are you a sharp one. If you didn’t what does that say about you? I am just kidding – a little. Maybe you read it so quickly you unconsciously added the word I missed to complete the thought. There is also a chance that you made a judgment about me and my attention to detail.

Whatever is true, it is a reminder to me and to you that we need to check and recheck our work. Unfortunately, we all know we are often judged by the simple things in life. You say what?

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