Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our Human Capital

Times are tough. Everyone around you feels it. As the leader of a team or organization you need to be aware how these tough times affect your employees. This is especially true when it comes to their ability to perform on the job. You don’t want to ignore the concerns of your human capital. Now is not a time for guessing. There is much at stake - namely, the future of your business.

So, how can you learn what’s going on with your employees? The obvious answer is to ask. But you need to be prepared to offer a meaningful response. The message you deliver needs to be clear, relevant and truthful. You may not have all the answers but you are among other human beings. It is the common thread. The message you give needs to say “we are in this together.” These times will not last forever. Nothing ever does.

After setting the table, you will be better able to address areas for performance improvement. Here you can introduce the idea of subjective performance development assessments. This means you can help your employees to assess themselves to discover what and where support will be most helpful on the job. Remember “we are in this together.” Keep that intention in mind. You’ll be able to receive more cooperation and collaboration. And, the bottom line…, well let’s say it will be impacted. Imagine that!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Are You A New Creative Leader?

Below is a list of 5 traits of the new creative leader. They are found in the article "Why Are Creative Leaders So Rare," by Navi Radjou. The subject was a tip from Harvard Business Publishing's Management Tip of The Day.

So, Where Do You Stand?

Yesterday's leadership skills will not work in today's fast-moving and evolving world. Only creative leaders who are visionary and empathetic will succeed. Here are five things you can do to succeed as a creative leader:

1. Instead of commanding, coach your team and organization toward success.

2. Don't manage people, empower them. The know-how, experience, and solutions are often out there; it's a matter of helping people discover them.

3. Cultivate respect by giving it, instead of demanding it.

4. Know how to manage both success and failure.

5. Show graciousness in your management rather than greediness. Be humble about your successes and whenever possible, give someone else the opportunity to shine.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Being in the Dark

I am going to go out on a limb and make a guess that you enjoy the work you do. I certainly hope this is true. But I imagine there are times when you feel a little challenged doing all the things you must do to achieve a desired outcome. You are not alone.

Some of our days are better than others. You have a task and you get it down. But what about the other days…what could be going on? That is a question you may ask yourself. If fact, it is one of many questions you ask yourself each day and every time you do work. They are the same type of questions the people you work with ask themselves. If you are the boss, you may even be asking questions about your people. A question like – How can I get my people to be more productive?

The answer to many of your questions can be revealed with the Change Works System. Trust me, I know ignorance may be bliss, but it can also be costly. Can you afford it? Can your organization afford it?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Return The Call

Today I talked with a leader who told me that he is truly surprised how many people seem too busy to return a phone call. He said it seems to happen more and more these days. So, the question is why is it happening? The truth is I don’t know why – exactly. However, I do have my ideas about it.

* People are too worried about themselves
* They are afraid to commit
* Their life and work is out of control
* Your call is not important to them
* Maybe they just don’t care

I am certain there must be other reasons. But, I believe returning phone calls is a matter of courtesy. And it reflects a respect for humanity. Imagine That.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Working The Plan

Growing your business means following your plan. That is assuming you have one. If you don’t have one then you may grow, but by accident. The operative word is “accident.” I have tried to do things without a plan but keep coming back to the idea. Fortunately for me I do have a plan. Each time I refer to it, I feel reassured that I am doing the things I need to do.

Also, it gives me a better understanding of my effort and results. You know – “the cause and effect.” The results will come and I expect it. Doesn’t that make sense?

I am sure you have heard a lot about plans. Here are a few items that are important for you to keep actively in focus - your concept, market strategy, image and environment. Make sure your plan and activity includes these items. They are often overlooked in growing a business. What I mean by that is they are often forgotten. The reality is they need constant attention. There it is! Continue to work on, and follow your plan.